Simon Hason Design Gamesselfiequiet

Simon hason design

Latest Reviews

SIERRA 7 is a Tactical On-Rail First Person Shooter. The super-stylish minimal aesthetic allows you to focus on varied and randomized fire-fights, which perfectly blend realism and arcade gameplay together in a fast, exciting and intense experience. 'Sniper games are usually super-polished AAA gore-fests on mobile, which makes Lonewolf a breath of fresh air.' The main focus of Simon Hason Design is to design video games that are as immersive as they are fun.

Picnic Penguin review - 'Cute game with challenging level designs'
Simon hason
Alba: A Wildlife Adventure review - 'Becoming a Hero Through Small Actions'
Forager review - 'A nearly perfect port'
Donut County review - 'Fun, hole-some nonsense'
Million Dungeon review - 'Too cute to care about what's happening'
Animal Farm review - 'Four legs good, two legs bad'

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Sierra 7 is a First Person Shooter type of game made by Simon Hason Design with awesome 3D graphics and super merderous blood splatters. This game would be preety good compared to us “Call of Duty” fans, woulden’t it? Sierra 7 features 7 action packed levels of shooting baddies through their heads that you unlock on the way. Sierra 7 also features a range of “challenges” that you could play. Sierra 7 features 14 unlockable weapons including 5 secondary weapons and 9 primrary weapons, some of these weapons can be unlocked by completing a level, while other weapons can be unlocked by completeing a certian achivement like getting 50 “headshots” or something like that. in Sierra 7 you can use “health pills”. (press the Z button to use “health pills” NOTE: you have unlock the “health pills” by completeing a mission with full health at mission end) If you use the “health pills” about a third of your health will be restored. Sierra 7 features 3 different difficulty modes. some of you might ask “Are they Easy, Normal and Hard?” well, my answer would be ” NO “. Why i would say “no” is becouse the different difficulty settings are actually called Recruit, Veteran and Elite. To unlock the best gun that has unlimited ammunition, rapid fire and it can only overheat when you shoot with it to much, yes yes you all want it, i know you do, but before you can unlock it you have to complete the game on Veteran difficulty mode, I know, I know, now you absolutlyHATE me.

Over all this game is really fun and easy to play AND full of blood and gore. I rate this game 9.5/10

Simon Hason Design

This guy is just one of the many live bodies that you will soon call “dead”. It’s funny how the bodys dissapear after you have killed them.

Simon Hason


Mouse – Aim & Fire
Space – Execute Actions
R – Reload
F – Change Firing rate
Q – Change Weapon
V – Night vision ( when prompted )
Down Key – Pause / Menu