Google Presentation On Eportfolio

©2007, Helen C. Barrett, Ph.D.
Workflow • GoogleApps for Education • How-to Guides • Tool Comparison • Workshops Available
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See more detailed Google Site developed by Dr. Barrett: ePortfolios with GoogleApps


2007 Version

Google eportfolio templates free

The project required students to use 6 slides to demonstrate a simple learning concept. Google Docs Presentations shares similar functionality to that of PowerPoint, along with the ability to collaborate with others to develop a presentation and to give the presentation over. Faculty ePortfolios - Humber College. This document contains a great overview in 'Steps to Creating an ePortfolio'. Other ideas of what sections/content to include can be found here, here and here. Note: the above example websites were not created with D2L ePortfolio.

Free Eportfolios For Students

2014 Version

Google Apps for Education: ePortfolio and Formative Assessment Workflow

Schools and universities can set up free Google Apps accounts with their own domain name, where they can give all student and faculty acces to a variety of tools, including a GMail account, iGoogle portal, Google Groups for collaboration, and Pages, for creating websites. Each user can also use their GMail account to activate other Google services, such as GoogleDocs.

Students and teachers have email accounts, with more than 2 GB of storage per account. Gmail is the web-based or POP-mail account that is also the common ID for other Google applications.
Students have a portal with links to all of their Google files, applications plus other tools.
(discontinued by Google)

in Google Sites

Students can maintain a reflective journal (blog) of their learning activities and reflections with feedback through the commenting function that is a part of any blog tool. websites are often blocked on school websites. As analternative to a traditional blog, there is an 'Announcements' pagetype that can be added to a Google Site (below) that could serve as areflective journal of learning activities. Students can maintain areflective journal in the form of 'Posts' which can later be used as alink to reflection on a specific entry from a web page.

Students and teachers have space to discuss their work.

Students create word processing, spreadsheet or presentation artifacts in GoogleDocs. All GoogleDocs files can be shared for collaboration with other students in collaborative projects, or with teachers for feedback.

  • Documents are the standard word processing files, where students can create online, or upload from an existing Microsoft Word or Open Office word processing file.
  • Spreadsheets are the standard spreadsheet applications which can be imported from an exisrting Microsoft Excel or Open Office spreadsheet file.
  • Presentations are the standard slide show application which can be imported from an existing Microsoft Powerpoint or Open Office presentation file. Other people can be sent the URL for the presentation, and they can view the presentation in real time.

Here is a short YouTube video about GoogleDocs that discusses the process. Here is a brief description of how to use Google Docs Spreadsheet to facilitate feedback from small group breakout discussions.

Students store their video clips online to link into their Docs or Pages.
(No longer available to individuals and schools - use Google Drive or YouTube)

Students store their images in online albums. These could be scanned images or pictures taken with digital cameras.

Students have a tool to keep notes about their navigation on the WWW.

(Discontinued by Google)

Teachers can follow student work by subscribing to individual student blogs, docs, etc. (RSS feeds)
Here is a very clever YouTube video clip that explains RSS and uses the Google Reader as an example.
(Discontinued by Google)
Teachers and other students provide feedback through the Share function, which is available in all three GoogleDocs applications. Comments are available in Documents (not in Presentations).

Students create presentation portfolios at different benchmarks to showcase their achievement of outcome, goals or standards. This tool is a web page creator, where students can link to different documents created in GoogleDocs or uploaded as another document type, such as PDF. There is a limit of 100 MB of uploaded files, which should be plenty of space, especially if images are stored in Picasa and videos are stored in YouTube.There is also no data management tool, to aggregate assessment data. There is not an interactivity feature to this program, such as found in a blog or wiki. Therefore, this tool would work for a presentation portfolio but not for formative or summative assessment.
This tool has been discontinued by Google, replaced by Google Sites.

Google Sites is Google's version of a wiki, released in February 2008. Students could create presentation portfolios at different benchmarks to showcase their achievement of outcome, goals or standards. This tool is a web site creator, where students can embed different documents created in GoogleDocs or uploaded as another document type, such as PDF, or embed video (from Google Video or YouTube).The only data management tool is the GoogleDocs spreadsheet, to aggregate assessment data. There are lots of interactivity features to this program, such as the capability to subscribe to changes in sites or individual pages, or collaborate on pages in the same way as GoogleDocs. Therefore, this tool would work for both a presentation portfolio and for formative or summative assessment.

Google Apps for Education

Schools and universities can set up a free Google Apps for Education site as a secure private space, with their own domain name, to include the following tools:

GMail - 7+GB of storage
Google Calendar
Google Talk
(schools can de-activate any of these tools)

GoogleDocs (Word processing, spreadsheets, forms, presentations, mobile access)
Google Sites (Team website creation with videos, images, gadgets, and documents integration)
Google Video- Securely share videos with your school - anyone can add comments,tags and ratings - with 10GB included free with every domain

'How-to Guides'

Google's 'Using Google Docs in the classroom: Simple as ABC' (PDF version)

Google Slides Eportfolio

How to create an electronic portfolio with GoogleApps (by Dr. Helen Barrett)
(includes Dr. Barrett's GoogleDocs & Page Creator Tutorials PLUS Google Sites)
GoogleApps Flash-based interactive online tutorials (Google)

How to create an electronic portfolio with GoogleDocs--Document (by Dr. Helen Barrett)
GoogleDocs Help Center - Documents (Google)
Tour (Google) & Video (GoogleDocs in Plain English) (YouTube)

How to create an electronic portfolio with GoogleDocs--Presentation (by Dr. Helen Barrett)
GoogleDocs Help Center - Presentations (Google)

How to create an electronic portfolio with Google Page Creator (by Dr. Helen Barrett)
About Page, General Questions, Using Google Page Creator (Google)

Google Presentation On Eportfolio Writing

How to Create a Blog using Blogger (
Blogger Help, (Google) Video (Blogger: How to Start a Blog) (YouTube)

HANDOUT (all How-to's in a single 1.85Mb PDF)

Google Apps Authoring Tool Comparison

Google slides eportfolio
Google Sites
Interactivity, provide feedbackAdd comments, RSS feedsShare function - Add comments, Edit contents, RSSShare function - Edit Contents, RSSShare function - Add comments, Edit contents, RSS
File (attachment) storageStores uploaded photos in Picasa

* Each document up to 500K, plus up to 2MB per embedded image.
* Each user has combined limit of 5000 documents and presentations and 5000 images.
* Upload presentations up to 10MB in size in both .ppt and .pps file formats

100 MB limit in each regular Google Sites account,
500 MB for each account in a GoogleApps site
NavigationLinear and Category linksLinear with hyperlinksHyperlinked pages, Navigation Bar
Special Features/PurposeBlog (web log) - Individual entries organized in reverse-chronological orderOnline equivalent of Word with collaborative authoring and commentsOnline equivalent of PowerPoint with collaborative authoring and live presentationWebsite/wiki with capability for embedding GoogleDocs,
Best use for ePortfolioReflective JournalArtifact development, reflection, feedbackPresentation portfolio development and showcaseWeb-based presentation portfolio

Workshops Available from Dr. Helen Barrett


What do you think of this free presentation?

If you want a creative and professional Powerpoint presentation that has a sophisticated look, then you should use the Portfolio PowerPoint Template. Because of the minimal style, the presentation has a clean and organized look.

Portfolio is composed of 25 unique slides that were perfectly designed to make your information stand out. This presentation won’t only impress your audience, but it will also impress you with how fast and easy it is to edit this presentation. How do you make the perfect presentation? First, you gather all the information you want to present and organize it how you would like to present it. Secondly, you get this beautiful presentation template to demonstrate to your audience. Finally, you let all of it come together and voila you’ll have the perfect presentation.

In fact, you can add images, change the color with the click of a button, and use infographics to explain data. To be honest, talking and reading about data is not as exciting as seeing it on a table, diagram, or chart. Images are a great way to explain the big picture since an image is worth a thousand word. If you do not like the original colors the presentation template comes with, you can always change it with a click of a button.

This presentation is pretty much done, from the moment you get it. All you need to do is add your information and customize it to present it to your audience.

Portfolio Free PowerPoint Template Features:

  • Creative unique slides for Powerpoint
  • All slides are fully editable, therefore you can easily change colors and text boxes.
  • Simple and clean slide layouts
  • In addition, you can export these slides to PDF, JPG, etc.
  • 16:9 widescreen layout
  • It includes high-quality vector graphics

Thanks to Dirtytemp Studio for sharing this free template. Download the full version here.